Simplify vehicle repair quotes with Fixico SA

Shaping the future of car repair

For insurance companies, obtaining vehicle repair quotes swiftly and efficiently is essential to serve policyholders better. We offer tailored solutions designed to streamline the process and enhance your ability to provide prompt and reliable service to your clients.

Swift quotes, satisfied clients

In the insurance industry, responsiveness is paramount. Quick access to vehicle repair quotes ensures satisfied policyholders. With Fixico SA, you can ensure rapid access to certified repairers and multiple quotes, expediting claim resolutions. Your clients will appreciate your ability to provide timely and reliable service.

Cost control and transparency

Cost management is critical for insurance companies. Fixico SA simplifies your procurement processes and offers you a network of certified repairers with a national footprint. 

Get in touch

Ready to optimise your insurance claim process? Contact Fixico SA today to explore how our platform, equipped with real-time insights and a network of trusted repair experts, can streamline your vehicle repair quote acquisition process and enhance your ability to serve clients efficiently.